The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
And the love of God
And the communion of The Holy Spirit
Be with you all
Saturday 18th January
10.00am - 11.00 - Confessions
(or anytime by appointment)
6.00pm - Mass
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Sunday 19th January
9.00am - Mass
11.00am - Mass
Monday 20th January
No Mass - Church Closed All Day
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Tuesday 21st January to Thursday 23rd January
9.00am - Mass
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Friday 24th January
8.45am - Morning Prayer from The Divine Office
9.00am - Mass
Rosary after Mass
Church remains open until 10.00am
This Sunday we begin the liturgical season of Ordinary time. For many coming Sundays, our gospel readings will be taken from the gospel of Luke. Occasionally, we will read from the gospel John, as is the case today. Today’s gospel passage speaks about the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and his first miracle.
John reports the miracle at Cana after Jesus’ call of his disciples. John tells us that Jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding at Cana, as was Jesus’ mother. According to the Church’s liturgical history, the wedding feast at Cana is closely associated with the baptism of the Lord and the worship of the infant Jesus by the wise men. In this context, the sign Jesus performed at the wedding feast is celebrated as a manifestation of Jesus’ divinity.
Marriage and wedding feasts are used as metaphors in scriptures to describe God’s salvation and the Kingdom of God. Here at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, John’s gospel seeks to establish that Jesus is going to interpret and fulfill God’s promise to Israel. Jesus establishes the new covenant. The hint about what this New Covenant will be like is made evident in the deed that Jesus performs. He is asked to do something to address an awkward situation that the lack of wine at the wedding feast created. Jesus’ miracle produced vast quantities of wine.
This lavish response to a simple human need is a vision for us of the abundance of God’s kingdom. It challenges us to respond generously when confronted with human need today in our life. We are called to respond as best as we can in our situation, knowing fully that God can transform our efforts, bringing the Kingdom of God to fulfillment among us here and now.
God bless you all. Fr. Henry
The parish is looking for a tech savvy individual who is interested in preparing the weekly newsletter and managing the parish website.
If you are keen to contribute to this important part of the parish community, speak to Fr Henry.
Training on preparing the newsletter and updating the website will be arranged.
Your chance to make a difference.
4th & 5th January
Envelopes: £291.30
Loose Plate: £277.97
Fr Henry would like to thank you all
A huge thank you to Lucy and her team, (team 1)
not all who put their names down attended,
but a great start and hopefully all will attend the next session
on February 5th
(please when you meet exchange your telephone number)
All the very best to Adrian and his team (team 2)
if you can look on the sheet at the back of the church
your names should be on the list.
Please can you exchange phone numbers
and let me know when your next session will be in February.
If you would like to join the team,
please add your name to the list at the back of the church.
Can we please ask parishioners to help in ensuring
that the church and surroundings are kept clean and tidy at all times.
May God Bless you always, your time and talent is greatly appreciated
The Diocesan
Lourdes Pilgrimage
Led by Bp Alan, will be from
Friday 18th July
Friday 25th July 2025
The flights will be Southend to Lourdes.
Details, including how to book, will follow.
We hope you will join us.
My warm regards,
Revd Fr Paul J. Keane
Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society (BCCS)
is delighted to host a Shrove Tuesday Afternoon Tea
at the Roslin Beach Hotel in Southend-on-Sea
on Tuesday 4th March 2025.
Guests are kindly invited to arrive for 1pm
to be greeted and seated in good time for tea
between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.
This event is open to all and promises to be a lovely afternoon celebration.
Tickets are £35 per person
and are available to purchase via the BCCS webpage
If you have any dietary requirements,
please contact Julie once you have purchased your tickets,
so that we can note these.
Guests will be seated at tables of 12
so if you are coming in a group,
do please email Julie to let us know your preferred seating arrangements.
For Young People in school Y10 and above
who regularly attend mass at St Bedes
Completed application forms to be completed
and returned by 10th January
The first meeting will take place
after the 11am mass on 26th January
All sessions are at 7pm
29th January
26th February
26th March
30th April
21st May
25th June
16th Jul
25th September
30th October
27th November
If you are a qualified
Plumber, Electrician, Gardener, Mechanic, Painter & Decorator, Tree Surgeon, Computer & Printer Technician
Please leave your card or telephone number/name, at the back of the church, someone will make contact with you
We are compiling our own directory for our community
All work undertaken will be paid at standard rate
Together we are stronger
Assistant Business Manager required at
St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School
SO1, point 23-25 (35hrs pw,
term time plus 2 weeks)
£35,577 - £36,567 FTE
Further details and an application form can be obtained from the school’s website
or by contacting Mrs Rector in the school office via
or 0208 270 6695
Closing date: Monday 27th January
Interviews: Week beginning 3rd February
On Friday 24 January Catholic schools across England and Wales will join together to celebrate Jubilee Launch Day for Schools, as children and young people embark on a journey as “pilgrims of hope”. Cardinal Vincent Nichols has prepared an inspiring video message to be shared as part of the event.
Saturdays 10 to 11am or anytime by appointment.
Baptism of children
On Sundays with prior arrangements. Parents must attend two sessions. Parents must be registered members of the parish. At least one godparent must be a baptised catholic with a baptism certificate and confirmed.
Those to have their marriage blessed should notify the Priest-in-charge at least six months before the proposed date.
First Holy Communion
This is usually done once a year in conjunction with the school. Other cases will be dealt with on individual bases.
This is usually done once a year. Announcements are done in the parish newsletter and on the website
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adult
Those who would like to be received in the Catholic church should see the priest-in-charge any time and make arrangements to start the course.
All are welcome.
You need to be a registered member of our parish. Have faithful attendance at mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Fill out our registration form.
Fr Henry
The weekly parish newsletter is now available as a PDF download from the Newsletter Page
The Lady Chapel is a lovely place to introduce young children to our Liturgy on Saturdays & Sundays without parents getting stressed. It is also used for prayer groups and individual just wanting a quiet moment. Can we ask that we all respect the Lady Chapel, by ensuring that we leave it in a clean and orderly manner. If children make a mess, after mass can parents ask the welcomers to point them to the broom cupboard so you can clean up before departing. Also, can we ask that children do not play or eat on the Altar or organ.
The Parish Council
The Parish can now offer contactless donations for parishioners who may wish to avoid handling cash. A new donation page with further information and QR codes is available. Click the button below for the Donation Page Donations can be made with or without Gift-aid Copies of the QR codes are also available in the church.
As always, we are deeply grateful to all our parishioners for the continued support you so generously give our parish
St Bede Catholic Church
Rev. Henry Mobela, The Presbytery, Bishops Avenue, Chadwell Heath, Romford, RM6 5RS
Brentwood Diocesan Trust
Registered Charity No. 234092
Copyright © 2022 St Bede Catholic Church - All Rights Reserved.