The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
And the love of God
And the communion of The Holy Spirit
Be with you all
Saturday 15th February
10.00am - 11.00 - Confession
(or anytime by appointment)
6.00pm - Mass
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Sunday 16th February
9.00am - Mass
11.00am - Mass
Monday 17th February
No Mass - Church Closed All Day
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Tuesday 18th February to Thursday 20th February
9.00am - Mass
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Friday 21st February
8.45am - Morning Prayer from The Divine Office
9.00am - Mass
Adoration after Mass
Church remains open until 10.00am
In our everyday life, most of our choices may not be a matter of life and death. In our today’s readings we are reminded that the choice to follow Jesus is a matter of life and death. It is a choice between blessings and curses. Jesus’ words in the sermon on the plain are challenging. Jesus declares that the poor, the hungry, the weeping, and the reviled are blessed, while those who are rich, full, laughing, and those who are admired by others should be worried. The sermon on the plain does not give us the middle ground, no loophole. Jesus’ teaching unsettles the values of his time and our values today.
The message of our gospel reading can be sting because it seems to provide no escape. Poor or rich, hungry or full, weeping or laughing, reviled or spoken well of. Jesus’ teaching directly challenges us who live in the world that focuses on materialism, consumerism, economic, and political powers. Jesus’ call to discipleship is not about comfort or success, but about radical trust in God and solidarity with those in need, the poor and the vulnerable.
The blessing and woes of the sermon on the plain are in line with Luke’s understanding of discipleship. Following Jesus requires us to give all that we have in the service of God’s kingdom. This kind of renunciation is seen in the poor who have nothing, the hungry who cannot provide sustenance for themselves, the weeping who have experienced loss, and the persecuted who have no one to defend or protect them.
How can we respond faithfully to this teaching today? What is Jesus asking us to do? Is telling us to give up our riches and livelihoods? Jesus is calling us to place ourselves and our resources at the service of God’s kingdom. To care for the needy in our community and in the world. At the same time, Jesus lifts the poor and marginalized as models of radical discipleship. To follow Christ is to let go anything and everything that compete with our hunger and need for God. This kind of trust is at the heart of the prayer Jesus taught us: “May your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread.”
God bless you all. Fr. Henry.
Are looking to appoint a School Chaplain.
Please see the school’s website for
further details
All sessions are at 7pm
26th February
26th March
30th April
21st May
25th June
16th Jul
25th September
30th October
27th November
Join us for Prayer and Praise on Thursday
20th February from 7.00 to 9.00pm.
This month we will also include hosting
The Rescue Project which seeks to
proclaim the gospel in a compelling and
attractive way over eight sessions.
Join us for the first one at the Sion
Community - Sawyers Hall Lane,
Brentwood, Essex CM15 9BX
All are welcome and there is no need to
book, just come along.
Teresa Caravalho and team.
Holy Family Primary School, Witham
Deadline for applications
12:00 (noon), Thursday 27th February
St Peter's Primary School, Romford
Deadline for applications
12:00 (noon), Monday 17th March
Further details can be found on the
diocesan website
6:00pm - 7:00pm (Thursday)
9:30am - 10:10am (Friday)
Chadwell Heath
9:30am - 10:00am (Friday)
8:30am - 9:00am (Tuesday – Saturday)
(until 11am on the First Friday)
4:30pm - 5:00pm (Sunday)
Dagenham, Holy Family
9:30am – 10:30am (Friday)
Dagenham, St Peters
8.30am – 9.00 am (Monday – Friday)
9.30am – 10am (Wednesday)
9:30am - 10:00am (Monday – Saturday)
10:30am - 11:30am (Tuesday – Saturday)
10:00am - 12:30pm (Wednesday)
New Barking
8.15am - 9.15am (Friday)
10.30am - 11.30am (Saturday)
Newbury Park
10:00am - 11:00am (Thursday)
5:00pm - 6:00pm (Saturday)
9:30am - 11:00am (Friday)
7:00pm - 8:00pm (Friday)
South Woodford
8:45am - 9:30am (Wednesday)
5:30pm - 6:30pm (1st Saturday)
All those who have been contacted by Glenda and are willing to receive the Rite of Election at Brentwood Cathedral on the 9th March 2025 at 3pm, please see Fr Henry so you can be presented to the Parish at the 11am mass on 2nd March for a Blessing
Thank you to Adrian and his team for a brilliant job, well done. Hopefully a few more parishioners who showed an interest will join the next date which will be on 22nd February.
You are also welcome to join team 1 on 5th February.
One Love, One Faith, One Community
8th & 9th February
Envelopes: £368
Loose Plate: £417.20
Standing Orders December: £1070.00
Fr Henry would like to thank you all
Cheques payable to :
Catholic Church
Chadwell Heath, St. Bede's.
Account Number: 01017624
Sort Code: 40-13-22
Thank you for your donations. God Bless You, Fr. Henry.
On 24th May 2025: Join Bishop Alan and other parishes around the Diocese of Brentwood in Walsingham to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Hope. We will celebrate Mass at the Basilica before walking the Holy Mile to the grounds of Walsingham Abbey to celebrate Vespers and Benediction on the site of the Holy House. If you would like to come please contact Fr Henry.
Due to new rules set by the Bishops’ Conference it is essential that I know the names of every priest and deacon attending as the Shrine will need the Bishop to provide letters of good standing for every cleric assisting at Mass. Therefore, if you intend to come make sure you put it in your diary now and let me know as soon as possible.
I look forward to seeing you in Walsingham on Saturday 24th May.
Yours fraternally,
Fr Daniel Kelly
Join Bishop Alan in Lourdes from Friday 18th to Friday 25th July.
We can support those with medical needs.
For further information, please phone Tangney Tours on 01732 886 666
or book online:
Of course, you may wish to make your own travel and hotel arrangements for your parish. You are most welcome to do this and still participate fully in the program of the diocesan pilgrimage. If so, please tell me and I shall make sure you are able to join as much of the diocesan program as you would like.
Annual Collection
The money raised from the annual collection for Lourdes at Sunday Masses is used to help cover the costs of nurses and others who assist.
This ensures that pilgrims with medical can come to Lourdes. The money is also used to support pilgrims who otherwise could not afford to come.
For further information regarding this, you are most welcome to contact me.
With warm regards and thanks,
Fr Paul Keane
Director of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Tel: 01223 742 192
The Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments releases the decree inscribing St. Teresa of Calcutta in the General Roman Calendar, along with the liturgical texts to accompany her feast day on September 5.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Bishops’ Conference, has welcomed an historic accord signed by senior Muslim and Jewish denominational leaders in the UK, which marks a defining moment in interfaith relations.
A recent Israeli raid on an Educational Bookshop in East Jerusalem highlights the growing censorship and suppression of Palestinian narratives. Authors and diplomats have joined in the global cause for concern about intellectual freedom and growing authoritarianism in Israel.
Saturdays 10 to 11am or anytime by appointment.
Baptism of children
On Sundays with prior arrangements. Parents must attend two sessions. Parents must be registered members of the parish. At least one godparent must be a baptised catholic with a baptism certificate and confirmed.
Those to have their marriage blessed should notify the Priest-in-charge at least six months before the proposed date.
First Holy Communion
This is usually done once a year in conjunction with the school. Other cases will be dealt with on individual bases.
This is usually done once a year. Announcements are done in the parish newsletter and on the website
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adult
Those who would like to be received in the Catholic church should see the priest-in-charge any time and make arrangements to start the course.
All are welcome.
You need to be a registered member of our parish. Have faithful attendance at mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Fill out our registration form.
Fr Henry
The weekly parish newsletter is now available as a PDF download from the Newsletter Page
The Lady Chapel is a lovely place to introduce young children to our Liturgy on Saturdays & Sundays without parents getting stressed. It is also used for prayer groups and individual just wanting a quiet moment. Can we ask that we all respect the Lady Chapel, by ensuring that we leave it in a clean and orderly manner. If children make a mess, after mass can parents ask the welcomers to point them to the broom cupboard so you can clean up before departing. Also, can we ask that children do not play or eat on the Altar or organ.
The Parish Council
The Parish can now offer contactless donations for parishioners who may wish to avoid handling cash. A new donation page with further information and QR codes is available. Click the button below for the Donation Page Donations can be made with or without Gift-aid Copies of the QR codes are also available in the church.
As always, we are deeply grateful to all our parishioners for the continued support you so generously give our parish
St Bede Catholic Church
Rev. Henry Mobela, The Presbytery, Bishops Avenue, Chadwell Heath, Romford, RM6 5RS
Brentwood Diocesan Trust
Registered Charity No. 234092
Copyright © 2022 St Bede Catholic Church - All Rights Reserved.